
cropped-mm_photobooth_1781-2.jpgMarsha and Mike Green have accepted the opportunity to be Friends in Residence at the Friends Centre in Auckland, New Zealand.

This year-long opportunity (from Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2018) will involve providing hospitality at the Auckland Friends Centre‘s Bed & Breakfast, and providing spiritual nurture to the Quaker community in Auckland and the surrounding areas.

To learn more about Quakers in New Zealand, visit http://quaker.org.nz .

Mike and Marsha retired from their paid work in March 2017. Marsha had worked at Duke University for 22 years in the area of internal communications. Mike had worked for more than a decade as the administrator of a Quaker non-profit organization, The School of the Spirit.

Marsha was born and brought up in Minnesota; Mike was brought up in Devon, England. They met each other at university in Oxford, where they also began regularly worshiping with Quakers. They have been members of Quaker meetings at 57th Street Meeting in Chicago, IL, and in Chapel Hill Meeting in North Carolina. They are currently members of the Durham Friends Meeting in Durham, NC.