The E-Traveller

We will be away for over a year, travelling around the globe. What electronics do we need? If you are interested, here’s what we have . . .


Top left: Google Fi phone (we each have one). No need to switch out sim cards since it works, as is, in most countries. Most important apps: Stitcher with many podcasts downloaded for those long flights. Ibird for bird identification in Hawaii. Similar apps for Australia and New Zealand.

Top right: Kindle (we each have one), with lots of books to read, including a small Quaker library.

Center: Asus Chromebook for Mike, Lenovo laptop for Marsha. Chromebook has a mini-SD card with lots of music, plus an expansive Quaker library for that Spiritual Nurturer program we will be helping to facilitate in NZ.

Mid-right: universal outlet adapter. Will cover most of the world, maybe even South Africa which has a unique configuration apparently.

Front left: yes, that small blue thing, the size of a large acorn, is a bluetooth speaker.

Front right: portable charger and wires (x2) so that we can recharge phones and kindles in the air and on the road.

Hopefully, Phileas Fogg isn’t turning in his grave, but we DO want to stay connected to you’all.

About M&M_Green

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1 Response to The E-Traveller

  1. Patti Nesbitt says:

    Hooray for Bluetooth speaker — ours was well used at Friends Centre and workshops.
    Recommend app called MAPS.ME which is an off-line map that includes tracks and other off-road trails, downloaded country by country. Has been useful beyond imagination, in every location we have been in no matter how remote.
    Traveling mercies, with Love and Laughter!


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