Swimming with Bats

Mattaranka Thermal Pools – part of a river with water naturally warmed by springs rising through geologic hotspots.

Midway between Alice Springs and Darwin we had the most unexpected encounter with bats.

We were on day 6 of our 10 day “outback safari”, traveling 1000 miles up Highway 1 from Alice Springs to Darwin. To break up the long drives, the tour stops at a few “watering holes” along the way. Usually, the watering hole is a pub or a bar, but in this case, it was the Matarranka Thermal Pools.

We were eager to escape the 100+ degree heat and go soak in a naturally heated pool that usually sits at 91 degrees. But as we walked down the path to the river, we heard an incredible cacophony of squeaks and screeches. We wondered what new birds were in store for us, but then looked up and saw hundreds of large bats (actually called Little Red flying foxes in Australia)! Apparently they are attracted to this area in October because of the flowering of the Eucalyptus trees.


As we lazed in the pool it was great to look up into the canopy of leaves and see the bats hanging upside down cooling themselves by waving their wings, or taking short flights. When they flew, the sun shone down through the skin between their “fingers” of their wings. An eerily beautiful sight. (Click here to see a video: you may have to click twice to get the video to play).

Yet one more unexpected experience down under!

About M&M_Green

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