We Survived

This past Saturday we celebrated our time with GALS — The Gay and Lesbian Singers of Auckland — with afternoon and evening concerts singing music from the movies. Much fun and a great community. Below are selections. If you can’t find us because of the bow ties, Marsha is front row centre and Mike is 3rd row just right of centre.

Here’s our opener (channeling Glee . . .)

And one of our favorites to sing . . .

And here are the men — a once in a lifetime experience! . . .

And here are the women — Folies Bergere here we come! . . .

And, yes, thank you for all the music in our lives . . .

And here we are with Marilyn Monroe. We were performing in the Pitt Street Methodist Church and had lots of good laughs about flirting in the church!

About M&M_Green

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1 Response to We Survived

  1. Jim Herr says:

    Your time in New Zealand seems to be sitting well with both of you. I think you both look younger!


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