Ready, Set . . . Sing


Nick Forbes (conductor of the Gay and Lesbian Singers of Auckland) rehearsing the men in their version of “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair”

Just a few days to go before we have our first (and probably only) concert with the Gay and Lesbian Singers of Auckland.  On Friday we have a tech rehearsal, and then on Saturday we offer two concerts: one at 3 p.m. and one at 7 p.m.   We hope our voices hold out!

This concert will be music from the movies, so we’ll be singing selections ranging from oldies such as “Somewhere” (West Side Story) and “Timewarp” (Rocky Horror Picture Show), to more recent songs such as  “Into the West” (Lord of the Rings) and “This Is Me” (Greatest Show on Earth).  Some of the pieces are more challenging than others, but Nick, our conductor, is magnificent at getting us to sing each piece with character, accuracy, and passion. He’s a very good, busy, musician, and the choir knows we are lucky to have him up front.

We hope that at least portions of the concert will be filmed and posted on the GALS website or Facebook site.  If so, we’ll be sure to link to them.  Meanwhile, it is time to memorize some music!

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