
For most of the time that we have been in New Zealand, we have been in monthly contact with other Friends Couple Enrichment leaders planning the content and creation of a QuakerSpeak video about the work we do.

On June 7, we saw all of this work come to fruition!

While initially we were quite bummed that we couldn’t be in Chicago at the leader couple retreat where this was filmed, we have come to realize that our physical distance from the filming made it easier for us to review the 2 hours of raw footage and help cut it down to 6 minutes!

For the past few days we have been enjoying sharing the video with friends here in New Zealand. We posted it on the Kiwi Quaker page and a few hours later got an email wondering if we could do some sort of a program in Nelson. We smiled at God’s timing: was it just coincidence that over these last few days we have also been planning out a visit to Nelson (top of the South Island) in early August?

About M&M_Green

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1 Response to QuakerSpeak

  1. quakerquilter says:

    Oh, most excellent! Really well done. Yes it’s a shame you two couldn’t be there also, but the the “ones who showed up” —always the right ones— did great. How much did it end up costing?


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