We found a hot tub!

BodyTech Hot Tub

As summer slips away and the weather begins to get cooler and wetter, we decided to step up to the challenge of staying warm — we joined a gym that offers a strength training program. It so happens that it also has a swimming pool AND A HOT TUB!  We’ve only been members for a week and we’ve been in the hot tub four times!  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Seriously, during the Couple Enrichment Workshop we offered in early April, we both named improving our strength and fitness as a goal for the next six months and agreed that finding a gym was a reasonable option. The fact that the closest gym (just a 6 minute walk from the Friends Centre) also has a hot tub is icing on the cake (or bubbles on the water).

Body Tech Gym



About M&M_Green

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2 Responses to We found a hot tub!

  1. Bonnie Oulman says:

    Good for you!


  2. So glad you found your hot tub! It’s funny, I was just wondering if you had found one there or during your recent travels. Cheers for fitness! When I’m diligent about it, it really does make a difference. Miss you both!


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