Intimations of Adaptation

We have now been here for 6 months, half of our time! The other day Marsha and I were doing a Washington Post crossword. Afterward I noted to Marsha that it was weird. It seemed that I was looking back home from the wrong end of a pair binoculars. To some of the clues, I had to rack my brain to think as a American rather than as a Kiwi. It came with a recognition that I had really arrived here rather than have left there. Now, of course, the sun’s arc is lowering into the northern sky. This is not so disorienting as it was some month ago because I now know my way around on the ground and so have less dependence on the sun. But Easter this weekend really passed me by as we slip toward winter rather than summer. With temps still in the low 70s we are being blessed with an ‘Indian summer’.

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