Packing Love

bags_August2017We are packed and ready to go! The picture above above shows the luggage we are carrying – two backpacks (25 lbs. each), two daypacks (10 lbs each), and two pouches for our important papers.

What the photo can’t show is the immense love we are taking with us. In the past weeks we have been blessed by precious connections with folks wishing us well. We have held newborn babies who will be toddlers when we return, witnessed deep dialogues in our various Couple Enrichment groups, and met (via video conference) with friends as far flung as China and Alaska. This evening we celebrated our upcoming adventure at the local Durham Coop Market in the company of a wonderful mix of people from Duke, Durham Friends Meeting, Chapel Hill Meeting, and Carolina Friends School. We know that as we leap forward, we take the love from all of these communities with us; this love will help hold our center us we explore new edges.

About M&M_Green

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5 Responses to Packing Love

  1. Jan Tedder says:

    Big smiles from this part of the world!


  2. Nan Dietrich says:

    So tidy and mobile- I love it! Wishing you smooth travels around the globe to NZ. I will miss your positive presence in Durham, and am glad you have provided this blog.
    Peace and love, Nan


  3. Rhonda Lee says:

    Blessings on you as you go! I will miss seeing you in person, will keep you in prayer, and will be delighted to hug you again on the other side of this adventure.


  4. Laura Sell says:

    Safe travels, Mike and Marsha! We’ll miss you at DFM but I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures here.


  5. Ronica Norton says:

    Safe travels! Will love seeing your updates and getting your perspective on that part of the world. I know you won’t stay long in Australia, but I’m guessing the people of New Zealand will have their more relaxed approach to life.
    Try to sleep on the flights! Enjoy yourselves! Post Pictures!!!!!
    Love and prayers


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