Carpe Diem

Last evening we gave thanks to the many friends who came to the Durham Coop to send us off on our adventure. This morning we are giving thanks to our parents who have allowed us to seize this day. Was it just serendipity that yesterday we received the last disbursement from the estate of Marsha’s folks? Her mom, Ronnie, died 18 months ago and her dad, Jo, 3 months before that. But the story goes back farther. It was 8 years ago that my mom, Mildred, died, and it was 3 years before that that my dad, Douglas, passed away. It was their inheritance that allowed us to purchase our first rental house in Durham. It seemed an apt investment given that my dad had his own construction company. Building our rental business has allowed for our early ‘retirement’ with the acknowledgement that we now no longer have parents to accompany nor (yet) any grandchildren to be with. So we find ourselves in this generational bubble along with our health. The universe shouts seize the day and so we are, with a deep bow to our folks.

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1 Response to Carpe Diem

  1. A Renee Prillaman Prillaman says:

    I, too, will offer a bow to your folks. So sorry we didn’t get to get and give one more goodbye hug. Safe travels!


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