Divine Accompaniment

So we just happen to be walking down Mt. Eden Road in Auckland–virtually that is, using Google Earth–and all of a sudden we are flung without warning inside a store. And not just any store …

Piano Traders on Mt Eden Rd-page-001

God speaks in mysterious ways, indeed. Here, just a 2 minute walk from the meetinghouse, is Piano Traders. What can it mean? Will we have to visit and play these bright, shiny instruments? Of course! While the meetinghouse has an upright piano, we have no idea of its condition. Might we need to rent one? Or might the store rent for free in exchange for a concert now again in the store to help with their sales? Who knows? Stay tuned!

So what comforts from home would you take if you were going on an extended adventure? What would comfort and nurture you? For us, it is music. We are taking a few pounds of sheet music, copied so that, if it is lost or damaged, it can be replaced from pdfs stored in the cloud: piano duets (Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Dvorak, and Fauré), songs for Marsha to sing and I to accompany (Schubert song cycles, Die schöne Müllerin and Winterreise), and solo for me (Bach, Chopin, and Schubert). Got to keep those fingers limber.

About M&M_Green

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5 Responses to Divine Accompaniment

  1. Ronica says:

    Why prin and take up poundage in your luggage? If the music is in the cloud why not print it as you need it while in Auckland?


    • M&M_Green says:

      We know it seems a bit crazy to carry paper, but we had access to free printing here in Durham and we’re also able to bind the music. We discovered long ago that four hands on one piano and looseleaf music are not compatible!


  2. I love these examples of what Lynn calls “the spooky stuff@ and what Cathy calls “divine giggles.” I love the image of you two in the middle of this store on Auckland playing away.
    For me, on our last extended adventure, the year on Turkey, I found anchoring in daily reading the Bible and writing from that. I also took comfort in the screensaver on our computer, which was a picture of our birch forest taken out our living room window.
    Blessings on your travel, dear friends.


  3. Nan Dietrich says:

    What a beautiful image of you two singing and playing piano! Anywhere in the world. Thanks for sharing such a delightful thought. Warm wishes for limber fingers and vocal cords, Nan Dietrich


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